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19:43:45 From Duncan : Brian!
justification is having a right standing with God.
there are two ways of being justified before God.
1. Justification by works of keeping the law
2. Justification by faith.
The Bible says we must obey him perfectly. you must keep all the commandments of God. if you break one law, you're guilty of breaking all. bible says no one is righteous not even one. no one is good for we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Thus we as humans are all guilty of sin and we have all broken the law of God, we cannot keep the law. Thus no one is justified by God by the works of the law.
How are we justified? Romans 5;1 says that having been justified by faith, we have peace with God
19:46:01 From Duncan : God justifies us by Grace/ faith when we repent of our sins and believe in the atonement of Christ ( Christ dying for our sins) since we could not save ourselves thus we look to what Christ has done and not what we have done.
19:47:35 From Minos Kiplagat : We are blessed to know that we do not have to strive for approval and acceptance.
19:47:36 From Duncan : Justification is being saved from the penalty of sin that we deserved since the wages of sin is death.
Ephesians 2:8 says we are saved by grace
19:48:13 From Minos Kiplagat : justification is a liberating message for those who are weighed down with a burden of guilt and despair over their sinful state (Matt 11:28). When doubts and fears arise and accusations are made, the Christian can remember: “It is God who justifies. Who is to condemn?” (Rom 8:33-34).
19:49:15 From Minos Kiplagat : through justification we are adopted into God’s family (Rom 8:15; Gal 4:5).
19:50:01 From Minos Kiplagat : We have peace with God (Rom 5:1). The relationship broken by sin is re-established.
19:52:01 From Duncan : thanks minos
19:52:46 From Duncan : with time brothers, we'll all understand it well
19:56:35 From Duncan : You can all start studying resources on;
1. Regeneration
2. Justification
3. Sanctification
4. Glorification
Trustable sources;
You can find sermon series by John MacArthur on the 4 areas..
I will send the YouTube links to Fred to send to the group so that you can learn slowly.
19:57:28 From Fred Makokha : Romans 5:18-19 New International Version (NIV)
18 Consequently, just as one trespass resulted in condemnation for all people, so also one righteous act resulted in justification and life for all people. 19 For just as through the disobedience of the one man the many were made sinners, so also through the obedience of the one man the many will be made righteous.
19:58:01 From Minos Kiplagat : salvation from penalty of sin
19:58:05 From Fred Makokha : Thank you Duncan and Minos. Duncan, share those links in the group after the session.
19:59:58 From Duncan : penal substitutionary atonement
20:03:39 From Minos Kiplagat : Dun, explain also the limited atonement
20:04:18 From Duncan : Minos later
20:06:01 From Minos Kiplagat : it's okay, I will wait but you can't mention atonement without limited 😄😄
20:07:09 From Duncan : haha Minos, that requires a class
20:09:59 From Minos Kiplagat : One thing I would like us to note is that these processes are subsequent per say but the are simultaneous, regeneration and justification.. sanctification is continuous
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